
《親密 ‧ 關係》 Intimacy

 Untitled, Digital C-print, 1020 x 1020 mm, 2008
 Untitled, Digital C-print, 1020 x 1020 mm, 2008
 Untitled, Digital C-print, 1020 x 1020 mm, 2008
Untitled, Digital C-print, 1020 x 1020 mm, 2008
 Untitled, Digital C-print, 1020 x 1020 mm, 2008

在這急速擠迫的都市,人與人的實際身體距離是如此的親密貼近,遠超過他們之間的關係。他們的關係可能只是每天擦身而過的陌生人,但與這些陌生人,身體與身體 之間的距離可以貼近零,或是零,不尋常卻又非常習慣這種生疏的親近。與陌生人可以如此親近,但你有否想過,上一次擁抱你最親近的人,是何時?上一次坐近他 們,是何時?上一次與他們溝通,又是何時?



In this crowded city, the physical distance between people in real is far closer and more intimate than their relationship. Without knowing those strangers we meet every day, however, the physical distance between the bodies can be as less as 0.1mm or even less. People are so get used to the nearly 0 distance with complete strangers. Have you ever tried to recall the time you lastly hugged the people who have close relationship with you? When did you hug them? When did you closely sit next to them? When did you closely exchange with them?

One of the series shows the scenes everyone encounters in daily life. The series look into the relationship between people in this city. Those scenes are so familiar to everyone that display the physical nearness and closeness between people but at the same time display the ridiculousness and non-sense of being without spiritual communication. Photo as a still of daily life shows the coldness and remoteness. People are very detached indeed in spite of the physical closeness. The photos also show the scenes that people never feel strange but very familiar in daily life. At the same time, though familiar, these scenes have never been thought about, paid attention to or felt. The photos have been stylized like stage pictures or film stills. There is contradiction between reality and illusion as well as the ridiculousness between truth and fakeness.

The pace of living in our time is so rapid that we it does not allow us to stop for a while to experience life and truly undergo everything happening around us. It’s time to take a break and spend some time to feel the people and things right next to us.